From March to… + June Challenge!!
Wasn’t it just March?? How is it June already?! We are HALFWAY through the year! H A L F W A Y !! S I X M O N T H S I N ! I remember starting a new blog post for March…and then …
Wasn’t it just March?? How is it June already?! We are HALFWAY through the year! H A L F W A Y !! S I X M O N T H S I N ! I remember starting a new blog post for March…and then …
Soooo can we just call February a wash?! I wouldn’t say it was completely unproductive, but I certainly didn’t remain consistent!! I exercised a total of SEVEN times during the month of February!! I didn’t resume my workouts until the second week of February (I …
Just a reminder, this blog was created for me to work on my consistency throughout 2018. With that, I commit to being conscious of my actions, start every day with a positive mindset, and to welcome change with open arms. I appreciate all the positive …
Fitness Challenge Wrap-Up The last 2.5 weeks of January were a bit of a whirlwind. I was thrown off path a bit due to my last-minute planning for my birthday. Overall, I stayed committed to my fitness goal and was active four days per week, …
WHO (did I talk to?) I spoke with some of the investors within my real estate group, and we set up a date/time/location for our next meetup. WHAT (did I do?) For the month of January, I told myself that I would do 1.5 hours of …