I Remember…

I Remember…


I remember I wanted to be an author when I ‘grew up’.   I also wanted to be a teacher.  I remember someone telling me, “Teachers don’t make any money.  You should be (insert a prestigious job title here).”  Over time, it eventually transitioned into video production, As If Eye Roll GIF by MOODMANthus I decided to major in Communications at Temple University.  That same person said,“What?  You’re going to study what? What are you going to do with that?” I seriously remember being asked this question consistently whenever my major came up in conversation.


I remember watching FOX 5 (don’t judge me) every morning as I got ready for school, and I just knew that I was going to work with Mike and Rosanna as their News Producer.  That was my main goal when I entered Temple at 18.  I remember having an awesome professor, Professor Gluck, who was super helpful.  I remember he helped me secure a job interview at a news station upon graduation.  But, I also remember my heart not being in it.  During my sophomore year of college, I interned at NBC, and it made me realize that I did NOT want to work in news production after all.  The newsroom was not all what I thought it would be, and I quickly changed my mind.  Thank God for internships!  edailypop celebrities oh my god pray praise GIF


That’s when I moved towards the world of post-production, and had the opportunity to intern at a post-production facility.  

Upon graduating, I interned at a few more post-production facilities.  During my very first internship, I was the only intern provided the opportunity to work directly with S. Epatha Merkerson, and I couldn’t believe it.  I remember going up to her home in Harlem to work on the project, and we also set up times where I could go on set with her at Law and Order (one of my favorite shows back then).  And then I blew it.  Because this was an unpaid internship, I was blinded.  Bitch Please Seriously GIF by reactionseditorI remember asking the facility to change the days that I worked with Epatha because I had to work my part-time job at BEST BUY!!  OBVIOUSLY, the answer was “Nope, and we don’t think this will be a good fit any longer.”


Next internship was with Dame Dash’s company, and that was an EXPERIENCE to say the least, and rather entertaining.  I met quite a few people and enjoyed my time there.  But again, I was blinded by the lack of money 😩 so I decided to cut it short.


Clearly, my 22-year old self did not know any better – AT ALL!!  You live and you learn, right?!  🤦🏾‍♀️


Today I turn 33, and came to the realization that I am NOW really enjoying life.  Now, more than 10 years later, and after trying my hand at different jobs, I want to do any and ALL things real estate.  I have SOOO much I want to touch within this field, and I will.  I can honestly say that it gives me such joy to be able to wake up every day and do something that I thoroughly enjoy.  It is SUCH an awesome feeling!!  oscars 2017 GIF by The Academy AwardsAnd so much peace of mind, it’s crazy.  Having the opportunity to help others find a home, sell a home, or simply provide them with more information gives me such a high.  And recently, it’s made me think…why wasn’t I doing this before?!  Why didn’t I take the leap before?!


Although, I still love video production, being on set, and seeing the final project come to life on screen, real estate takes a slight edge over it, and that is perfectly fine!


The moral of this story is do whatever the hell you want.  Live your life for you, and you alone.  You only have one.  And it’s never too late to begin.  I’m pretty sure that if I listened to that person I mentioned earlier, best day ever yolo GIF by GaryVeeI’d be in (insert prestigious job title here) making a ton of money, but unhappy as hell.  Who wants to live like that??

2020 was hands down one of the CRAZIEST years of my lifetime, but it was also one of the best.  And not because everything went the way I wanted it to.  Trust…NOT in the least!!  Can you say ROLLERCOASTER?!?!  But, it taught me so much about myself, about my grit and tenacity.  I really feel like I became an “adult”.  It was probably my lowest grossing year financially.  And maybe the most stressful at certain points?  But relying on God made a world of difference.  And I wouldn’t change a thing (maybe rona if I could, but you get my drift)…

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So, cheers to 33!  My Jesus Year – I’m claiming and manifesting everything I want and deserve!  I pray for guidance, wisdom, protection, and of course – more schmoneyyyyyy flowing my way.

In what year of life would you say you felt a shift in your progression?!  Why was that?  What caused the change? 





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