2018 Goals

2018 Goals

Two of my major goals for this year are to continue with my real estate investing, and to consistently maintain a healthy lifestyle.  I’ll accomplish these, along with other goals, by breaking my year up into 90-day increments.

Doing a little bit of something everyday is better than doing nothing at all. 

And although I know that, I don’t do it!!

If things could happen simply by daydreaming about it, I would have a six-pack, clear skin, and left the “rat race”  for good by now.  But alas, it actually takes WUK to achieve your goals and dreamsREAL WORK.


So my main goal with this blog is to simply document my progress.  For some reason, accountability buddies have also been hard for me to come by.  Not that I don’t know people with a desire to achieve the same goal as me, whether it be weight loss or business-related, we would just fall off with the check-ins after a while.

To get me on the right path towards consistency for 2018, I’ve implemented some new practices and items into my daily routine:

The GoalDRVN planner


Finding a planner for the upcoming year is a SERIOUS process for me.  No regular old planner will do.  It has to be PERFECT lol. I’m pretty sure I spent at least three weeks finding a new one for 2018.  The layout, page size, and durability are of utmost importance to me.  I read tons of reviews, watch YouTube videos, and look at extensive pictures.  The way I obsess over my planner is absolutely ridiculous, but it’s fine by me.

I used the Passion Planner last year, and I absolutely LOVED it, but it wasn’t durable at ALL.  The binding came undone within the first month – the cover started separating and peeling.  I didn’t love it enough to purchase it and go through that ordeal again this year though.  I really hope the folks over at Passion Planner manufacture it better in the years to come.

So, although I’ve always had a planner, I don’t think I’ve always used it properly.  I’m already noticing a difference in the way I use my GoalDRVN planner as opposed to my Passion Planner, and it’s only been a few days into the new year.  There may be some aspects of the Passion Planner that I’ll miss, and may eventually just create and bind my own planner if it ever gets that serious (which it may lol).  But, I’ll do a post about my process and thoughts about the planner later on if necessary.


Trello is THE BOMB!!  Seriously ! ! I found out about it through my business coach, and I can’t believe I never knew about it before.  Actually, I’m lying.  I’ve heard about it, but never took the time to look into it.  But now that I have, it’s a WRAP!! LOL I’m a visual person, so I enjoy seeing things laid out, and Trello definitely does the job!

As I begin my challenges about a particular topic, I’ll detail them a bit more within that challenge as to avoid making these blog posts super long.

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