I have a confession….

I have a confession….

My name is Chantal and I have a confession……..


I’m 29 and I don’t know what the word c o n s i s t e n c y means.  Yes, of course, I know what it means, but do I implement it in my life where it really matters (for me at least)??

The short, simple, and honest answer…NOPE!


I’ve always known myself to talk.  I’m gonna do this, and I’m gonna do that, but at the end of the day, you just can’t build a reputation based on what you’re going to doAnd quite frankly, just how much of this or that really got done anyway??



As year 30 quickly begins to approach, and I do mean QUICKLY – I find myself thinking about different things, and one of the main topics that would cross my mind is about how I’m never really consistent.  I don’t mean in going to work or taking a shower daily.  I mean in regards to my goals and dreams.  In terms of actually leaving the “rat race” once and for all.  In terms of having a sustainable video production company.  In terms of creating a life of financial freedom.  In terms of being able to travel whenever, wherever.  In terms of releasing this belly!! (This belly of mine is NOT cute guys) 



I have a journal that I write in whenever I need to reflect, and it dates back to 2012.  In looking back, I see that I’ve made some progress in different areas of my life, but there are also many things that I realize I’ve written over and over and over again…case in point – getting consistent with my workouts and releasing this belly!! 🤦🏿


So, I thought about what it would take for me to finally buckle down and achieve these dreams of mine.  In addition to acknowledging my WHY, I also realized that I need some form of accountability.  Whenever my sister would ask me about a certain topic, and I realized I didn’t move forward in it, I knew that I needed to buckle down for the next time, so that I would actually have a decent report.  Whether anyone deems it a good or a bad thing is not up for debate, it’s what I personally need for myself.



Of course, I’m not doing this for others, but I seem to move at a much quicker pace when I have a deadline or lit fire on my behind.  Thus, I decided to create this blog to chronicle my consistency throughout 2018.  Whether just two people or 2000 people end up reading this, just knowing that this will be online for people to see will be absolutely terrifying, and more than likely the accountability I will need.  If this public demonstration will allow me to find at least one individual going through the same journey, or actually help me to remain consistent, then it would’ve all been worth it.

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