Chantal’s Challenge: January Edition

Chantal’s Challenge: January Edition

In my decision to create this blog, I realized that I had to make a conscious decision to work hard to achieve my goals, and equally as hard, if not harder to become the person that I want to be.  That requires change, and with consistency comes change…

As the weeks go by, I’ll document what I’ve been doing to achieve this.  The year is just beginning and everyone is all “New Year, New Me”

A term I don’t use because January 2nd comes and people are back to doing the same ol’ thing.  We clearly forget our WHY’s and go back to business as usual.  I want to use these challenges to create new habits for myself.

For the next 31 days of January, I will challenge myself to do the following:
  • At least 60 minutes of activity four days a week.  This part is important because my birthday is coming up, and I want to do something I’ve never ever done before, and getting this bawwwwdy together is a major part of that process! 💁🏿            My O.M.G. (One Major Goal) with fitness is to release this belly!!  I’m tired of it – I’ve always known myself to have one, and just once I’d like to look down and not see it lol.                             

But, more importantly are my eating habits, as we all know weight loss occurs primarily through what you consume, so I’ll be intentional about what I put into my body by meal prepping twice a week, and not eating past 8PM.

  • Spend an hour and a half doing real estate research after work Monday through Thursday.  I’ve been taking a four-part course, and have set a goal to complete one course/month.  I should be done with the remaining three courses by the end of March.  

SO! I want to know!  What are you challenging yourself to do this month?!  Let me know!

“Life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change”

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