Chantal’s Challenge: February Edition

Chantal’s Challenge: February Edition

Just a reminder, this blog was created for me to work on my consistency throughout 2018.  With that, I commit to being conscious of my actions, start every day with a positive mindset, and to welcome change with open arms.  I appreciate all the positive feedback and comments thus far, as it has certainly helped me a great deal! 😊

Throughout the course of February, I will challenge myself to do the following:
  • Work on making this melanin GLOW!!  I love my face!  I love myself!  Whenever my mother says, “Oh, you look so pretty”.  I typically respond “I know” lol followed by “Thank You”.  But I don’t think my skin knows.  I have too many random break outs.  I suffered with acne when I was younger, and still have to work hard to keep it at bay as an adult.  I need this skin to flourish and glow honey!!

Whenever my dermatologist sees me, she knows I’m just there for my “fix” as she calls it lol my crack!  But, I don’t want to have to use these prescribed products (that I don’t use consistently) forever.  I want to implement and sustain a healthy, natural skin regimen for myself.


  • Reading for at least 20 minutes every night.  I remember the days when I used to be able to read at least one book a month for leisure.  I read more books surrounding business & personal development nowadays, but it takes me FOREVER to get through just one book – sometimes a whole month would pass before I pick a book back up again.  Not just books to help me with my personal growth, but spiritual growth as well.  I can’t say that I read my Bible as often as I would like, so that is something I will incorporate into my reading time as well.


  • At least 30 minutes of activity three – four days a week.  I’ve decided to extend my fitness goals through the first quarter of the year (in terms of documenting it here).  They say it takes 21 days to form a habit, but 21 days nor a month was enough for me to really make this a habit.  My birthday has come and gone, and as February began, I found myself losing momentum with the workouts.  So, I’m going to continue with the exercise, eating habits, and water consumption, and adjust and make changes to what works for me as necessary.

What are you challenging yourself to do this month?!  Let me know!

“You are what you believe yourself to be”

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